The Woodwright's Shop

For more than 37 years, Roy Underhill has shared his love of American woodcraft.


  • Pinch Rods and Squeezy Blocks

    This pair of sliding diagonal rods with copper collars will help you square your chest.
  • Taming the Timber Bench

    Legs stay tight in this classic carpenter’s bench built with stopped sliding dovetails.
  • Big Ash Mallet!

    With ash head and hickory handle, Roy Underhill shows how to make a mallet for the ages.
  • Dutch Tool Chest with Christopher Schwarz

    Learn to make the simple and useful Dutch tool chest with its slanted lid.
  • Try Square with Christopher Schwarz

    Christopher Schwarz shows Roy Underhill how to measure up with an English try square.
  • Early Iron with Peter Ross

    How to forge iron hinges and locks from the earliest days of the American experience.
  • Paneled Chest with Peter Follansbee

    How to fiHow to fit the beveled panels and storage till into a chest from the Pilgrim era.
  • Joined Chest with Peter Follansbee

    How to fit the beveled panels and storage till into a chest from the Pilgrim era.


About The Woodwright's Shop

For more than 37 years, Roy Underhill has shared his love of American woodcraft. Using only the hand tools of early America, Roy proves that woodworking doesn't have to be noisy, dangerous or expensive. His insights into the principles of the craft reveal the enduring relationship between tools and material, between human hands and creations of culture.
