The Woodwright's Shop

For more than 37 years, Roy Underhill has shared his love of American woodcraft.


  • French Work Bench, Part 2

    A tool chest, drawers and vises complete the workbench from Provence.
  • French Work Bench, Part 1

    This workbench from Provence uses puzzling dovetails to join the legs to the bench top.
  • Screw Box for Wooden Threads

    Down and dirty metalworking forges the cutters to make wooden screws.
  • Ball & Socket Embroidery Stand, Part 2

    Steam bent hoops and wooden adjusting screws complete the embroidery stand.
  • Ball & Socket Embroidery Stand, Part 1

    Turn the base and shaft of an 18th century embroidery stand from Colonial Williamsburg.
  • Peter & the Box

    Master joiner Peter Follansbee of Plymouth Plantation carves a 17th century “bible box.”
  • The Dovetail Variations

    Enjoy the journeyman joint that holds your drawers together in a variety of various forms
  • Old Woodworking Machines

    Beautiful belt-driven 19th century machines still make window sashes in this New York shop


About The Woodwright's Shop

For more than 37 years, Roy Underhill has shared his love of American woodcraft. Using only the hand tools of early America, Roy proves that woodworking doesn't have to be noisy, dangerous or expensive. His insights into the principles of the craft reveal the enduring relationship between tools and material, between human hands and creations of culture.