The Woodwright's Shop

For more than 37 years, Roy Underhill has shared his love of American woodcraft.


  • Mind Over Miter

    This butt joint of distinction joins everything from picture frames to crown moldings.
  • Woodworking in Berea

    From chair building to instrument making to fine furniture collections.
  • A Viking Tool Chest

    Welsh chair bodger Don Weber turns his hand to recreating a medieval tool kit.
  • Holly Wood Spectaculars

    Create decorative veneer patterns using oval engines, sharp knives/patient perfectionism.
  • Hammer Veneer

    Master musical instrument makers show classical techniques of hand cutting & wood veneer.
  • Animated Wooden Toys

    Imagination (and a few strings) makes these carved critters come to life.
  • A Very Boring Program

    From bits to braces, augers to angle borers & even boring a square hole,you know the drill
  • File Philosophy

    Master blacksmith Peter Ross shows the technique of cold joining and shaping colonial lock


About The Woodwright's Shop

For more than 37 years, Roy Underhill has shared his love of American woodcraft. Using only the hand tools of early America, Roy proves that woodworking doesn't have to be noisy, dangerous or expensive. His insights into the principles of the craft reveal the enduring relationship between tools and material, between human hands and creations of culture.