Thou Shalt Not Kill

Detective Valeria Ferro seeks to solve the puzzles behind crimes motivated by jealousy.


  • Episode 3

    The killing of Guglielmo Mantovani appears to be the tragic consequence of a home robbery.
  • Episode 2

    The investigation into Sarah Daminai's death continues, was it an accident or murder?
  • Episode 1

    Chief Inspector Valeria Ferro leads the investigation into the death of Sara Damiani.

About Thou Shalt Not Kill

Stubborn and determined detective Valeria Ferro endeavors to solve the challenging puzzles behind crimes motivated by jealousy, vendettas, and repressed anger to seek the truth and justice. She struggles with her own demons from her past that come back to life when her mother is released from jail after seventeen years.From Walter Presents, in Italian with English subtitles.