This Week in South Carolina

This Week in South Carolina talks with political leaders and newsmakers in the state.

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  • Midterm Election Recap

    Gavin Jackson and Dr. Scott Huffmon discuss the 2022 midterm election results.
  • Midterm Election Forecast

    Meg Kinnard and Maayan Schechter preview Tuesday's midterm election.
  • Early Voting and Debate Recap

    Chris Whitmire talks early voting. Governor's debate highlights.
  • Sara Barber and Jeff Leieritz

    Sara Barber and Jeff Leieritz.
  • Abortion Legislation and Lieutenant Governor's Debate

    Updates on abortion legislation in S.C., and a look at the Lieutenant Governor's debate.
  • Jim Stritzinger and Justin Powell

    Jim Stritzinger and Justin Powell discuss broadband access and infrastructure updates.
  • Laura Ullrich and Joey Von Nessen

    Laura Ullrich and Joey Von Nessen discuss the economy, inflation, and unemployment.
  • Dr. Scott Huffmon and the Southern Focus Survey

    Dr. Huffmon breaks down the latest results from the Southern Focus Survey.

About This Week in South Carolina

This Week in South Carolina highlights one topic each week with political leaders, newsmakers and policy makers in our state. Gavin Jackson, South Carolina ETV's news and public affairs reporter, hosts the weekly public affairs program.

  • ETVHD: Friday at 7:30pm
  • SC CHANNEL: Thursday at 8pm
  • ETV WORLD: Monday at 6:30pm, Tuesday at 6pm

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