This Week in South Carolina

This Week in South Carolina talks with political leaders and newsmakers in the state.

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  • Winthrop Political Poll

    Professor Scott Huffmon talks about the latest Winthrop Poll.
  • Gun Violence

    SLED Chief Mark Keel and Clemson professor Dr. Robin Kowalski.
  • Commerce Secretary Harry Lightsey

    Commerce Secretary Harry Lightsey talks economic development in the state.
  • Legislative Update

    Legislative update with Jeffrey Collins and Joe Bustos.
  • Murdaugh Trial and Women in Leadership

    Murdaugh trial and Women in Leadership.
  • Economy Update

    Economy update with Tom Barkin and Joey Von Nessen.
  • Haley Campaigns in Early Primary States

    Haley visits the early primary states New Hampshire and Iowa to campaign.
  • Nikki Haley's Pursuit of the Presidency

    Nikki Haley's Pursuit of the Presidency.

About This Week in South Carolina

This Week in South Carolina highlights one topic each week with political leaders, newsmakers and policy makers in our state. Gavin Jackson, South Carolina ETV's news and public affairs reporter, hosts the weekly public affairs program.

  • ETVHD: Friday at 7:30pm
  • SC CHANNEL: Thursday at 8pm
  • ETV WORLD: Monday at 6:30pm, Tuesday at 6pm

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