This Week in South Carolina

This Week in South Carolina talks with political leaders and newsmakers in the state.

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  • Civil Rights Education

    Dr. Bobby Donaldson discusses the importance of civil rights education.
  • Campaign and Economic Update

    Campaign and economic update with Meg Kinnard and Joey Von Nessen.
  • Supreme Court Shortlist Analysis

    Antjuan Seawright and Kirk Randazzo discuss the Supreme Court shortlist.
  • Medical Marijuana Debate

    Sen. Tom Davis explains the medical marijuana bill, a COVID-19 Update.
  • Maayan Schechter and Lynn Teague

    Maayan Schechter and Lynn Teague discuss the State of the State and redistricting maps.
  • Dr. Edward Simmer and Dr. Steve Shelton

    SCDHEC Director Dr. Edward Simmer and Emergency Medical Physician Steve Shelton.
  • Legislative Preview with Joseph Bustos and Jeffrey Collins

    Legislative preview with Joseph Bustos and Jeffrey Collins.
  • 2022 Economic Outlook with Joey Von Ness

    Economic Outlook with Joey Von Ness.

About This Week in South Carolina

This Week in South Carolina highlights one topic each week with political leaders, newsmakers and policy makers in our state. Gavin Jackson, South Carolina ETV's news and public affairs reporter, hosts the weekly public affairs program.

  • ETVHD: Friday at 7:30pm
  • SC CHANNEL: Thursday at 8pm
  • ETV WORLD: Monday at 6:30pm, Tuesday at 6pm

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