Secrets of the Dead

Uncover the untold stories and secrets of iconic historical moments to rewrite history.


  • Executed in Error

    Investigators have re-opened the files on one of the crimes of the century
  • Sinking Atlantis

    Uncover history-changing evidence of what happened to the ancient Minoans
  • Doping for Gold

    Investigate one of the most alarming cover-ups in the history of the Olympic Games
  • Herculaneum Uncovered

    Discover the fabled city of Herculaneum destroyed by Mt. Vesuvius 2,000 years ago
  • Escape from Auschwitz

    Two Auschwitz prisoners were determined to expose the horrors of the Nazi genocide
  • Aztec Massacre

    400 skeletons are found in Zultapec. Who were the victims and why were they killed?
  • Voyage of the Courtesans

    Follow the racuous journey of the 18th century women who settled Australia
  • Irish Escape

    See the heroic escape story of Irish political prisoners, the Fremantle Six


About Secrets of the Dead

Secrets of the Dead is part detective story, part true-life drama that unearths evidence from around the world, challenging prevailing ideas and throwing fresh light on unexplained events.
