SCETV Specials

Special programming brought to you by South Carolina ETV.

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  • Teens and Screens - Unraveled!

    SCETV Safe Space explores the effects of social media on our young population.
  • The World of Cecil Part Two

    Part two continues the examination of the life of Cecil Williams.
  • The World of Cecil Part One

    Explore the life of acclaimed civil rights photographer, Cecil J. Williams.
  • 2023 South Carolina Governor's Awards for the Arts

    The 2023 South Carolina Governor's Awards for the Arts.
  • 2022 South Carolina Governor's Awards for the Arts

    Presenting the 2022 South Carolina Governor's Awards for the Arts.
  • Drink Small 90 Proof

    A celebration of the blues doctor's 90th birthday.
  • Harriet Tubman: From the Railroad to A Spy

    Journey through the events and details of her incredible life story that are seldom told.
  • SC Governor's Awards for the Arts 50th Anniversary

    SC Governor's Awards for the Arts 50th Anniversary.

About SCETV Specials

Special programming brought to you by South Carolina ETV.

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