PBS Space Time

Blast off into the cosmos with astrophysicist Matt O'Dowd.


  • Why is the Earth Round and the Milky Way Flat?

    Our universe is not a very diverse place when it comes to shapes.
  • What’s Wrong With the Big Bang Theory?

    We continue our search for a grand unifying theory of the Big Bang!
  • Why the Big Bang Definitely Happened

    The actual moment of ‘the Big Bang’ is still a bit of a grey area within physics.
  • LIGO's First Detection of Gravitational Waves!

    Gravitational waves have officially been detected by LIGO!
  • Will Mars or Venus Kill You First?

    Our neighboring planets are not exactly the most hospitable places.
  • The Origin of Matter and Time

    Time to redefine our preconceived notions about mass and time.
  • When Time Breaks Down

    We learned how motion gives matter its mass, but how does motion affect time?
  • The True Nature of Matter and Mass

    Are matter, mass, and time real?


About PBS Space Time

PBS Space Time explores the outer reaches of space, the craziness of astrophysics, the possibilities of sci-fi, and anything else you can think of beyond Planet Earth. Host Matt O'Dowd breaks down the both the basic and incredibly complex sides of space and time.