PBS Space Time

Blast off into the cosmos with astrophysicist Matt O'Dowd.


  • Hawking Radiation

    Stephen Hawking's most famous prediction: the theory of Hawking Radiation.
  • Should Space be Privatized?

    Will the future of space exploration be guided by public or private entities?
  • The Death of the Sun

    What exactly will happen when the sun dies?
  • What is Energy?

    Energy is the most powerful and useful concept in all of physics, but what exactly is it?
  • Kronos: Devourer Of Worlds

    What happens when a star eats its planets? Find out on today’s Space Time Journal Club.
  • The End of the Habitable Zone

    The Sun is getting brighter and the habitable planets in our solar system are changing.
  • Horizon Radiation

    What is Horizon radiation? How does it apply to the Unruh Effect and Hawking Radiation?
  • What Do Stars Sound Like?

    We can now map the interiors of stars by “listening” to their seismic wave harmonies.


About PBS Space Time

PBS Space Time explores the outer reaches of space, the craziness of astrophysics, the possibilities of sci-fi, and anything else you can think of beyond Planet Earth. Host Matt O'Dowd breaks down the both the basic and incredibly complex sides of space and time.