Idea Channel

Join host Mike Rugnetta in this critical look at pop theory and modern culture.


  • Has the Microsoft Kinect revolutionized art?

    Microsoft's Kinect video game accessory has quickly become a unique canvas for art.
  • Are Mashups the End of Music Genres?

    Musical mashups have become a major web phenomenon. But have they made genres irrelevant?
  • Is the Web Browser Replacing the Art Gallery?

    Idea Channel examines the evolving ways in which technology shapes how we view art.
  • Is Twitter the Newest Form of Literature?

    Is Twitter, the 140-character blogging platform, a new form of literature or just a fad?
  • The Bronies Phenomenon

    The reboot of animated TV show "My Little Pony" has attracted a surprising audience: men.
  • Are Holograms Nostalgia or a New Form of Art?

    Idea Channel examines the rise of Hologram pop stars. Is this nostalgia or a new art form?
  • Hello Kitty, Minimalist Icon?

    IDEA Channel examines the perfectly crafted minimalism of Hello Kitty.
  • Is Instagram Revolutionizing Photography?

    Instagram has been criticized for hurting the art of photography. Is that a fair point?

About Idea Channel

Here's an idea: a PBS show that examines the connections between pop culture, technology, and art.