History Detectives

Investigate gaps in national history and cultural legends with the country's top sleuths.


  • A Hero in Hawaii, Civil War Cannon & Stuntman Pioneer

    A WWII hero in Hawaii, the first shot of secession, and a stuntman who changed Hollywood.
  • Season 8, Episode 11

    Chicago Clock; Universal Friends; War Dogs
  • Season 8, Episode 10

    WB Cartoons; Galvez Papers; Mussolini's Dagger
  • Season 8, Episode 9

    Jackie Robinson All-Stars; Modoc Basket; Special Agent Five
  • Season 8, Episode 8

    Hot Town Poster; Face Jug; Lost City of Gold
  • Season 8, Episode 7

    St.Valentine's Day Massacre; G. Washington Miniature; Stalag 17 Portrait
  • Season 8, Episode 6

    Korean War Letter; Diana; Lookout Mt. Painting
  • Season 8, Episode 5

    Cromwell Dixon; Bartlett Sketchbook; Duke Ellington Plates


About History Detectives

America's top gumshoes are on the case to prove once again that an object found in an attic or backyard might be anything but ordinary. Exploring historical objects and the stories behind them, History Detectives crisscrosses the country delving into legends, folklore and personal histories to discover potentially extraordinary objects in everyday American homes.
