
From the dawn of life in the Archaean Eon through the Mesozoic Era — the so-called “Age of


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  • When Giant Amphibians Reigned

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  • Can We Get DNA From Fossils?

    Scientists have been working for decades to unlock the genetic secrets of the past.
  • Did Raptorex Really Exist?

    Is LH PV18 a Tarbosaurus bataar? Or a different theropod named Raptorex kriegsteini?
  • When We First Walked

    Human ancestors were already walking 3.6 million years ago. But who was first to walk?
  • Life, Sex & Death Among the Dire Wolves

    Dire wolves were real! Their remains taught us a lot about how they lived.
  • The Rise and Fall of the Bone-Crushing Dogs

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  • How a Supervolcano Made the Cenozoic’s Coolest Fossils

    Yellowstone contains some of North America's most amazing fossil deposits.

About Eons

Join hosts Hank Green, Kallie Moore, and Blake de Pastino as they take you on a journey through the history of life on Earth. From the dawn of life in the Archaean Eon through the Mesozoic Era — the so-called “Age of Dinosaurs” -- right up to the end of the most recent Ice Age.