Crash Course Physics

Explore the world of physics and motion with Dr. Shini Somara.


  • Statics: Crash Course Physics #13

    Statics is the study of objects when they're NOT accelerating.
  • Torque: Crash Course Physics #12

    You may have herd about "Torque" in passing, but what is it really?
  • Rotational Motion: Crash Course Physics #11

    Did you know that, at a certain point on a moving wheel... there's no motion?
  • Collisions: Crash Course Physics #10

    A big part of physics is understanding collisions and how they're not all the same.
  • Work, Energy, and Power: Crash Course Physics #9

    When you hear the word "Work" what is the first thing you think of?
  • Newtonian Gravity: Crash Course Physics #8

    Shini sits down to talk about how Newtonian Gravity is more than a little important.
  • Uniform Circular Motion: Crash Course Physics #7

    Did you know that centrifugal force isn't really a thing?
  • Friction: Crash Course Physics #6

    In today's episode, Shini tells us about Static and Kinetic friction.

About Crash Course Physics

Explore the world of physics, motion, and energy with Dr. Shini Somara.