Crash Course: Artificial Intelligence

In this series host Jabril Ashe will teach you the logic behind AI.

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  • Robotics #11

    Robots are built to perform specific tasks.
  • Symbolic AI #10

    Symbolic AI represents problems using symbols and then uses logic to search for solutions.
  • Reinforcement Learning #9

    Reinforcement Learning.
  • Make an AI sound like a YouTuber (LAB) #8

    Let’s try to help John Green Bot sound a bit more like the real John Green using NLP.
  • Natural Language Processing #7

    One of the most common ways we interact with computers is through language
  • Unsupervised Learning #6

    We’re moving on from artificial intelligence that needs training labels.
  • How to Make an AI Read Your Handwriting (LAB) #5

    John Green Bot wrote his first novel!
  • Training Neural Networks #4

    We’re going to talk about backpropagation.