To The Contrary

A panel of professional women discuss current affairs issues in the context of gender.


  • Women & The Economy; VP Debate

    Why Women Are Leaving The Workforce & Pence vs. Harris. Who Won?
  • Harris Vs. Pence & Biden vs. Trump

    What To Expect From The VP Debate
  • Women's Vote & Ruth Bader Ginsburg's Replacement

    Who Will Women Vote For & RBG's Replacement
  • The Women's Vote & An Interview W/ Mercedes Schlapp

    Trump's Campaign & The Women's Vote
  • Republican Convention & Sen. Shelley Moore Capito ( R-WV)

    The Republican National Convention & Sen. Shelley Moore Capito
  • The Democratic Convention & An Interview W/ Sen. Tina Smith

    The Democratic Convention & Sen. Tina Smith (D-MN)
  • Biden Picks Kamala & An Interview With Katie HIll

    Making History & She Will Rise
  • Woman Thought Leader: Sen. Tammy Duckworth

    And Joe Biden's VP Pick May Be?


About To The Contrary

With women in the forefront of politics and on the cutting edge of national agendas, To the Contrary with Bonnie Erbe continues to provide an important, timely forum for diverse women to discuss national and international issues and policies. It presents news and views that are rarely, if ever, available elsewhere on television.
