To The Contrary

A panel of professional women discuss current affairs issues in the context of gender.


  • Pope Francis; Legislating the Pay Gap; Women in Theater

    Pope Francis on social issues, new CA pay equity laws, & Women's Voices Theater Festival
  • Pope Francis & Women; Paternity Leave; Girls Who Code

    The pope on allowing women into the priesthood, the future of paid leave & girls in STEM.
  • Planned Parenthood; Politics & Sexism;The Sentencing Project

    Government shutdown?, sexism in politics, and the rising number of women in prison.
  • Pope & Abortion; Sexual Assault Stats; Black Women & Unions

    Pope Francis speaks on abortion, getting correct data about rape, and "And Still I Rise"
  • Politics & Race; Colleges Tackle Assault; Elena Vanishing

    Crude remarks from presidential candidates, are college campuses safe? & Elena Vanishing
  • Donald Trump; Trans Women & Sexism; Senator Claire McCaskill

    Is Donald Trump the answer? How trans women deal with sexism, Senator Claire McCaskill
  • Bacha Posh; Night Shelters; Child Brides; Child Slavery

    Girls as boys Bacha Posh, Night Shelters in India, Child Brides and Child Slavery
  • Entitlements; Discipline in Public Schools

    Nutrition assistance to low income families. Harsh punishment for girls in school.


About To The Contrary

With women in the forefront of politics and on the cutting edge of national agendas, To the Contrary with Bonnie Erbe continues to provide an important, timely forum for diverse women to discuss national and international issues and policies. It presents news and views that are rarely, if ever, available elsewhere on television.
