Be Smart

A show about science, but probably not science the way you're used to it.


  • Attack of the Cosmic Space Junk!

    No astronauts were harmed in the making of this video.
  • The Small Problem With Shrinking Ourselves

    It’s okay to be… small?
  • Why Are We The Only Humans Left?

    New research has shown that Neanderthals were not the brutish, unintelligent cavemen that
  • Why Salt & Pepper?

    Join the #AnythingButPepper movement!
  • Why Don't Other Animals Wear Glasses?

    Vision impairment is common in humans, so why not the rest of the animal kingdom?
  • Where Did Humans Come From?

    we tour through our family tree to meet our ancestors and distant cousins
  • Should You Be Worried About Zika?

    Mosquitos have been dangerous for, well... forever. So what's new about Zika?
  • Musical Tesla Coils in Slow Motion! Featuring Physics Girl

    The future of music is electric.


About Be Smart

This is a show about science. But it's probably not about science the way you're used to it. Hosted by Joe Hanson, author of the science blog, It's Okay to be Smart. Part of the PBS Digital Studios network.