Be Smart

A show about science, but probably not science the way you're used to it.


  • Dogs and Humans: A 30,000-Year Friendship (ft. MinuteEarth)

    New research is finally unlocking the paw-in-hand evolution of dogs and humans.
  • Inside the World of Fire Ants!

    A song of ants and fire… and ant-decapitating flies.
  • Why I ❤ PBS

    Why I Love PBS.
  • Is Your Brain Too Old For Video Games?

    Video games are still on the rise. Can you take the heat?
  • 6 Chemical Reactions That Changed History

    From fire to food, check out these life-altering reactions that surround us everyday.
  • The Cosmic Afterglow

    The lingerling radiation from the ancient universe still surrounds us to this day.
  • How Much Plastic is in the Ocean?

    Ocean plastic pollution is a massive environmental problem.
  • The Most Important Moment in the History of Life

    The amazing legacy of animal cells.


About Be Smart

This is a show about science. But it's probably not about science the way you're used to it. Hosted by Joe Hanson, author of the science blog, It's Okay to be Smart. Part of the PBS Digital Studios network.