State House Daybook provides you with the information you need to navigate the South Carolina General Assembly. Each edition provides a snapshot of the legislative day with meeting schedules, agendas, news and other resources in one place.
Follow reporter Gavin Jackson's Twitter for the latest legislative coverage.
The Senate gavels in at 2:00 p.m. Watch live here. Calendar. Journal.
The House gavels in at 12:00 p.m. Watch live here. Calendar. Journal.
Combined meeting schedule
9:00 a.m. Senate Finance Transportation and Regulatory Subcommittee, Gressette Room 207, Agenda Available
10:00 a.m. S.C. Legislative Black Caucus, Blatt Room 427
11:00 a.m. Senate Finance Committee on S.545 and H.3485, Gressette Room 308, Agenda Available, Live Broadcast
11:00 a.m. Agency Head Salary Commission Subcommittee, Blatt Room 523, Agenda Available
11:30 a.m. Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on S.983 and S.1002, Gressette Room 105, Agenda Available, Live Broadcast
12:00 p.m. House of Representatives, State House, House Chamber, Live Broadcast
12:30 p.m. Conference Committee Meeting on H.3357, Third Floor Conference Room of the Statehouse, Agenda Available
2:00 p.m. Senate, State House, Senate Chamber, Live Broadcast
Immediately upon adjournment of the House, Ways and Means Healthcare Subcommittee, Blatt Room 108, Agenda Available
Immediately upon adjournment of the House, E.P.W. Higher Education Subcommittee on S.35 and H.4758, Blatt Room 110, Agenda Available, Live Broadcast
Immediately upon adjournment of the House, E.P.W. Transportation Subcommittee on H.3358, H.4694 and H.4835, Blatt Room 433, Agenda Available
1 hour after the House adjourns, House Wildlife Subcommittee (Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environmental Affairs)Blatt Room 410, Agenda Available, Live Broadcast
2:00 p.m. or 1 hour after the House adjourns, whichever is later, House 3-M Subcommittee I, Health and Environmental Affairs, Blatt Room 427, Agenda Available
1 hour upon adjournment of the House, Ways and Means Constitutional Subcommittee, Blatt Room 511, Agenda Available
1.5 hours after adjournment of the House, Ways and Means Economic Development and Natural Resources Subcommittee, Blatt Room 317, Agenda Available
1.5 hours after adjournment of the House or upon the Call of the chair, Ways and Means Public Education and Special Schools Subcommittee, Blatt Room 521, Agenda Available
2:30 p.m. or 1.5 hours after the House adjourns, whichever is later, Full Judiciary Committee, Blatt Room 516, Agenda Available
Episodes of This Week In South Carolina
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Former SC Gov. Jim Hodges endorses Joe Biden in 2020 Democratic primary The Post and Courier
How common is violence on SC school buses? No standard system means it’s hard to know. The Post and Courier
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