Bloom! Grow your career and earn renewal credit around YOUR schedule with 24/7 access to ETV LEARN online courses - all approved by the SC Department of Education for 20 renewal credits each, self-paced and costing only $75!
Earn renewal credits by June 30, 2022, the SCDE renewal cycle deadline, with a course in one of our two spring sessions:
Hurry, enroll now through April 4, 2022. Coursework must be completed by May 2, 2022.
Enrollment opens April 29, 2022. Coursework is allowed from May 9 - June 14, 2022.
Each course earns 20 renewal credits; all are offered in both sessions!
- Teaching and Learning in Carolina Classrooms (like SC Teachers on Teaching, newer TOTYs & discussions)
- Effectively Using Media in the Classroom (ways to be more creative, prompt students to think critically)
- Project-Based Learning: Engaging the 21st Century Learner (student centered, real-word applicability)
- Connecting with Literacy through Storytelling (good telling tips and stories from talented tellers)
- A Literary Tour of SC (conveys key steps of writing process with a variety of SC-connected authors)
- The Arts and Career Connections and Career Education for Student Success (good info for all teachers)
- Take on the South with Dr. Walter Edgar (debates on key issues, incl. Southern lit, music, sports & foods)
- SC Chronicles (also with Dr. Edgar, walks thru SC history early to current, discussions on people & places)
- Between the Waters: History Across the Curriculum at Hobcaw Barony (innovative, hist./natural hist.+)
- Making Connections with Natural History Featuring Rudy Mancke (learning thru nature, all subjects)
- Natural History in North America & Beyond (also with Rudy, all areas of USA, uses NatureScene + more!)
Key information … approved, accessible and affordable!
• Approved by the SC Department of Education for 20 renewal credits (NO graduate credit)
• Online/self-paced; work anytime 24/7; complete work by session end date
• Cost: $75 each (pay online by credit card or mail check)
Enroll for Spring I session courses through April 4: scetv.org/teacher-recertification
Save the date to enroll for Spring II session courses starting April 29.
** Looking for a Read to Succeed course?
View our post at scetv.org/stories/2022/spring-summer-r2s-courses for spring and summer course information.
Questions/Help: sokonek@scetv.org 1-888-761-8132 (or local 803-737-9915 or 803-737-3245)