On March 6, 2020, the S.C. Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC) announced South Carolina’s first two cases of COVID-19. By April 2, the virus had spread to all 46 counties, impacting each community in this state. A full year later, it’s difficult to remember what life was like pre-pandemic; before a time of virtual learning, remote working and days filled with countless web-based meetings.
Despite these and other challenges, the last 12 months also brought about reasons for hope and inspiration. A primary source of inspiration for me has been public media’s response to the pandemic, including the great work of our team here at SCETV. On March 19 – less than two weeks after SCDHEC confirmed South Carolina’s first case – we partnered with the S.C. Department of Education to announce the At-Home Learning initiative. We followed that up in April by launching our Datacasting effort, which is aimed at providing students without internet access an alternate way to receive educational resources.
Beyond these educational efforts, our team worked hard to keep the citizens of this state both entertained and informed. Following the cancellation of Spoleto Festival USA, Spoleto at Home gave radio listeners a chance to hear some of the more memorable, recent performances from the annual Lowcountry arts festival. As well, season two of our digital series, Backroad Bites, was renamed, Backroad Bites: Takeout Edition, and focused on eateries that offered takeout service during ongoing dine-in limitations.
As vaccine distribution continues and our state and nation progress further toward normalcy, please know that SCETV remains committed to using its resources to serve the citizens of South Carolina. Whether it be in education, entertainment or in the dissemination of important news and information, we will be here for you until the end of the pandemic and beyond.
Anthony Padgett
President & CEO
SCETV/SC Public Radio