Fred Rogers once said, “Whether we're giving or receiving help, each one of us has something valuable to bring to this world.” That quote certainly rings true for SCETV and for public media as a whole. After all, partnerships and collaboration are at the heart of everything we do. Whether you’re watching a new program on our airwaves or streaming our coverage of an important press conference from an elected official, I can promise you the end product is a result of many people working together.
Nowhere has that been more apparent than in our recent partnership with the S.C. Department of Education. In response to school closings because of the coronavirus pandemic, our two organizations collaborated to broadcast curriculum-based programming for the state’s pre-K through 12th grade students. Utilizing the power of television, South Carolina’s 800,000 students were provided access to free educational resources, minimizing the amount of lost instruction time experienced this school year.
Under normal circumstances, modifying large portions of programming for three days each week would be a heavy undertaking. But, to do it in the midst of a global pandemic with a scattered and undermanned team is remarkable.
To our viewers and listeners, I thank you for tuning in and for your support of SCETV. The last few months have shown us just how vital public media still is, and I couldn’t be more proud of the important services we provide to the people of this state.
Anthony Padgett
President & CEO
SCETV/SC Public Radio