This summer the Education Division will coordinate a number of fun and interactive learning experiences to take place in the month of July.
Join us in Famously Hot Columbia for the following events:
Blended Learning Workshop – July 17, 2019
On July 17, the SCETV will host a workshop geared towards integrating technology in K-12 curricula. Local educators will spend the day with ETV learning about free technology tools for educators, assessing student learning using technology, flipping the classroom, and resources for communicating with teachers, parents, and students.
21st Century Learners Week for Educators and Students – July 22-25, 2019
21st Century Learners Week is an exciting 4-day experience that highlights the impact of critical thinking and problem solving, communication, collaboration, creativity and innovation in the lives of learners and educators today.
Check out the schedule of events, register and join us for a week of fun and learning.
Monday – Instructional Technology Day for Educators featuring sessions and activities on using PBS/ETV curricular resources, augmented reality, Sli.do, and other tech tools for teaching and learning.
Tuesday – Teacher Retention Day featuring an escape room experience for teachers, designed by SCETV.
Wednesday – Media Literacy Day for Educators featuring a premier of the new PBS show Molly of Denali, about an Alaskan Native girl who is an avid blogger/vlogger specializing in non-fiction content. Activities for the day will include sessions for educators on media literacy, curricular resources for integrating non-fiction content and promoting diverse families in K-12 curricula. Activities for families include
Thursday – Family & Community Outreach Day featuring fun and learning activities for lifelong learners of all ages.
A detailed schedule and registration for the Blended Learning Workshop and the 21st Century Learners Week will be available soon via the ETV Education blog and Facebook page.