Dear Viewers and Listeners:
Happy New Year! SCETV and SC Public Radio have a wonderful year planned, and we’re looking forward to sharing it with you.
S.C. legislators return to the State House, and ETV World cameras are there to cover the House of Representatives and Senate live in session on State House Today. The series, which can also be streamed online, includes coverage of key House and Senate committee meetings, public hearings and press conferences. SC Public Radio also keeps listeners up to date with State House Week, short reports on Fridays throughout the day, giving listeners a wrapup of the week’s events. On our weekly podcast, South Carolina Lede, Gavin Jackson continues to go inside the legislative happenings that could affect you, your family, and your pocketbook.
This month brings new seasons of favorite SCETV series. An SCETV presentation, Expeditions with Patrick McMillan, begins its fourth season nationwide. McMillan takes viewers from the deserts of California to the New River Valley in Appalachia, exploring the natural riches of the great outdoors. The third season of Victoria follows the young queen as she stands between order and chaos when revolution breaks out across Europe. And Henry Louis Gates Jr. returns in the fifth season of Finding Your Roots, exploring the surprises hidden in the family trees of popular figures.
As we look forward to another great year, we thank you for your loyal support, and wish you good health and happiness in the New Year!
Anthony Padgett
President & CEO
SCETV and SC Public Radio