On behalf of everyone at the ETV Endowment, I'd like to extend a hearty congratulations to our friends and colleagues at South Carolina ETV, who are celebrating their Diamond Jubilee anniversary this month.
What's a Diamond Jubilee, you may be asking?
That's 60 unbelievable years as South Carolina’s trusted source for entertainment, education, history, culture and news.
With stimulating local productions like The Education of Harvey Gantt, Yoga in Practice, Making It Grow, The Southern Campaign of the American Revolution, Expeditions with Patrick McMillan and many more populating television, smartphone and tablet screens across the Palmetto State, and a whole roster of new and exciting programs slated for the coming year, SCETV is in a better position than ever before to enrich and enlighten the lives of all the people of this great state.
SCETV is also home to your favorite nationally-syndicated programs like Victoria, Poldark, Nature, Nova, The Great British Baking Show and more, providing South Carolinians with a window to the world.
As you have heard us say many times, this work is made possible with support from donors like you. It is because of the ETV Endowment’s generous committed family of donors that SCETV is able to purchase and produce these beloved programs.
Thank you for supporting the incredible resource that is public broadcasting and providing free access to the arts, sciences, history, children’s programming and trusted news and information to all here in the Palmetto State.
Coby C. Hennecy, CPA, CFRE
Executive Director
ETV Endowment of South Carolina