Skillionaire Games

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Scrub in for Some Life-Saving Wins

Play a big part in bringing life-saving medical products to market in South Carolina!

  • Try on South Carolina’s most in-demand careers in making medical devices, products, and pharmaceuticals
  • Customize your avatar with cool lab gear
  • Practice marketable skills like molecule sorting and robot programming
  • Learn about local life science career pathways and opportunities, starting in middle and high school
  • Play for a chance to win prizes and be awarded a scholarship!

Download and Play Now!

image of a lab beaker

Life Sciences Could be in Your DNA

Try on cool jobs! Build marketable skills! Connect to local pathways and employers!

graphic showing the words "Customize Your Avatar" and some avatar options

Design Your Character

Step into a future in life sciences.

graphic showing a lab scene and the words 'Run Your Own Lab'

Develop a Game-Changing Cure

Research, create, and deliver life-changing innovations.

graphic showing a lab worker and a game screen and the words "Play Minigames"

Master Essential Skills

Precision is key—from lab safety to product development.

graphic showing a game rewards screen and the words "Learn & Earn Rewards"

Explore Career Possibilities

Discover life science pathways and jobs near you.

Life Sciences for the WIN!

Dana Moore, Biomanufacturing Associate | Let's Go! CAREERS

Dana Moore works at Integrated Micro-Chromatography Systems (IMCS) as a biomanufacturing associate. Learn more.

photo of students playing Skillionaires game in front of Rad Lab poster backdrop

SCETV CTE Revolution

SC high schoolers showed off their lab skills by playing Rad Lab.

photo of SC Skillionaire influencers at SCETV MediaSCape Studios in front of RadLab poster

SC Skillionaires

Stay tuned for engaging Life Sciences vlogs coming from these SC teens.

SC Life Sciences Industry Fastest Growing in Southeast

Listen as James Chappell, president and CEO of SCBIO in Greenville, discusses South Carolina's life sciences industry in this brief South Carolina Business Review podcast produced by South Carolina Public Radio.

Coming soon: 

Meet South Carolina Life Sciences Lifers

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Teachers, Mentors and Parents

Engage your students with fun, gamified career discovery resources!
SC Industry Snapshots, Kahoots, Google Form Word Quests, Gameplay Overviews, and more.