Camellia Workshop with Sidney Frazier
Middleton Place
Sidney Frazier, Vice President of Horticulture, has dedicated 50 years to
overseeing the care of America’s Oldest Landscaped Gardens. This is the
time of year when camellias take center stage, providing vibrant color in the
cold winter months. The camellias at Middleton Place are special because they
are some of the oldest in America, first planted on Henry Middleton’s
parterre in the late 18th century.
Sidney Frazier, dubbed “The King of Camellia”, will lead this lively
workshop on the camellia plant, from its origins in Asia to its various forms
of care. Sidney will offer expert advice in planting, watering, pruning,
fertilizing, propagating, and disease identification and eradication.
Following the talk, join Sidney Frazier and Nursery Manager, Kim Pruitt, for
mimosas and light snacks while they answer your questions.
*General admission required.