Mimi Wortham-Brown

Archivist & Digital Content Editor

Mimi began her work at South Carolina ETV in 1975, as the assistant to the program manager. She served for 23 years as the program manager before beginning her work in the ETV archives. 

In 1998, ETV's K-12 educational website, KnowItAll.org, was developed, and Mimi's focus turned to identifying ETV content that could be used for education. 

Much of her time is now devoted to bringing content produced by South Carolina ETV over the past 50+ years to ETV Classics, where it can once again be enjoyed by the public. Share these treasures with your friends and associates! Enjoy!

Image is from South Carolina ETV's production of Cinderella aired on PBS in 1974. Mimi was a classical ballet teacher before coming to South Carolina ETV.

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Mimi Wortham-Brown and Charles Henty Everett in South Carolina ETV's production of "Cinderella" broadcast on PBS in 1974.


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