Kathy Finger

Research and Special Projects Coordinator

Kathy has worked on education initiatives with SCETV for more than 25 years. From coordinating satellite distance-education for Head Start programs in the early 1990s, to helping organize higher-ed online course collaboration in the early 2000s, and now helping support K-12 schools as they themselves offer online learning, she has served a variety of educator audiences and witnessed up-front many changes in education itself.

Having learned Access databases long ago, she’s a big fan of working with data and using it to help inform activities, so much so that she’s earned the nickname of ‘data queen’ within the Education department. For many years, she ran the TeacherLine Southeast professional development program for ETV; now she enjoys working on a variety of programs and projects as needed, including the annual survey and monthly Education e-newsletter.

Kathy’s work has led her to be a big fan of educators, too. She strives to increase opportunities for teacher feedback, elevation, and engagement.



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Kathy Finger


  • image of child reading a book in shadow of light

    R2S courses coming soon!

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    Nov. 2021: New & now with ETV Education

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    Oct. 2021: New & now with ETV Education

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    New renewal courses, new savings

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