Charles Dymock

Digital Multimedia Producer

Charles Dymock is a Digital Multimedia Producer at South Carolina ETV in Columbia, SC. He joined SCETV in 2018 after graduating from the University of South Carolina with a Bachelor of Arts degree. Dymock is known for his work on the programs What's Wild and From the Sky, where he showcases the beauty of nature and other marvels of the Palmetto State. He is highly skilled in capturing breathtaking footage and has a passion for educating audiences about wildlife and conservation. Charles is an integral part of the South Carolina ETV team and continues to produce impactful and captivating content.

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Charles Dymock


  • Webster's Salamander | What's Wild!

    In this week's episode of What's Wild we're heading west to discover one of South Carolina's rarest amphibians. Found only in a few isolated areas, the Webster's Salamander is considered an endangered species and plays a vital role within its ecosystem. Check out what...
  • Marshland Crabs | What's Wild!

    This week on #WhatsWild we're staying on the coast and exploring one of South Carolina's most productive and serene environments, the saltwater marsh. This rich and diverse ecosystem, brimming with marine species, has a dynamic rhythm that beats to the ebb and flow of the...
  • Dolphins | What's Wild!

    This week on #What'sWild we're traveling to one of South Carolina's barrier islands and observing rare feeding techniques of resident bottlenose dolphins ?. Also, we'll be taking a look at Charleston's Lowcountry Marine Mammal network, a non-profit organization and marine...
  • Red Cockaded Woodpecker | What's Wild!

    In our first episode of What’s Wild, we’re traveling to the Sandhills and checking out the Red Cockaded Woodpecker! Let’s see how this threatened bird species adapts to life in this unique ecosystem and learn what wildlife management is doing to protect them. What did you...
  • Against the Tide | Charleston’s Marine Mammal Response Team

    Charleston’s 250-plus resident bottlenose dolphins can swim a little easier now, thanks to the Lowcountry Marine Mammal Network, a non-profit organization and marine mammal first-response team whose mission is to give a voice to the voiceless. When LMMN isn’t saving marine...
  • Daufuskie Island | From the Sky

    Extending across the southern coastline, South Carolina boasts a variety of sea islands, marshlands, and maritime forests. In fact, this state is home to more barrier islands than any other in the country, excluding Florida. However, there is one island in particular that...