Aimee Crouch

Director of Government Transparency and Public Affairs

Aimee Crouch is South Carolina ETV’s (SCETV) Director of Government Transparency and Public Affairs, where she produces two programs, This Week in South Carolina and Palmetto Perspectives. She is the lead producer on all live political events, including political debates and election night coverage. She is a Charleston native and a graduate of Lander University in Greenwood, SC. She began her career with SCETV and has been with the organization for over 20 years. A four-time Emmy Award nominee (Southeast Region), she was the recipient of the 2016 Emmy Award for “Remembering Charleston.” She is also the recipient of a Telly Award and a Green Eye Shade Journalism Award. A graduate of The Dick Riley Institute at Furman University’s Diversity Fellowship Program in 2016 and The Corporation for Public Broadcasting’s Editorial Integrity and Leadership Initiative at Arizona State University in 2019.

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  • 50 Years of Cameras

    Ernest Ferguson, who at 89 years old, has been taking photographs and making post cards of South Carolina for over 50 years. We visited his home in Winsboro, S.C., and he showed off some of the cameras he has worked with over the years.
  • Huffmon

    Is the Tea Party Still Relevant in South Carolina?

    Winthrop Political Science professor, Scott Huffmon, talks with Charles Bierbauer about the relevance of the Tea Party in our state, and how it could possibly affect an upcoming primary election.
  • South Carolina's Craft Beer Boom

    South Carolina, along with the rest of the country, is seeing a dramatic increase in the craft beer industry. Will McCameron, President of Brewery 85, a new brewery located in Greenville, South Carolina, walks us through the process of how beer is made. For more information...
  • World’s Most Advanced Energy Testing Facility Opens in South Carolina

    Clemson University’s Restoration Institute dedicated the Drivetrain Testing Facility in North Charleston on November 21st. Palmetto Scene caught some of the highlights from the event. The facility was made possible because of a $45 million grant from the Department of Energy...
  • Dabo Swinney is All In

    Clemson Head Football Coach Dabo Swinney, along with his wife Kathleen, have seen first-hand the tragedy breast cancer can bring into a family’s life. To play their part in the fight against breast cancer, they founded the All In Team Foundation, which donates thousands of...
  • Bayler Teal: USC Baseball’s Inspiration

    Bayler Teal, a young boy who was fighting cancer in 2010, was considered the Gamecock baseball team’s number one fan during their national championship season. But in the end, Bayler was the real hero and will always be remembered as part of the team. To watch the full Chad...