PBS Short Film Festival

PBS Short Film Festival showcases powerful stories from independent filmmakers.


  • 2012 Festival | Flawed

    A woman is uneasy about beginning a relationship with a plastic surgeon.
  • 2012 Festival | Keao

    A young woman's journey of self-actualization through ancient cultural practices.
  • 2012 Festival | Women and Girls Lead: Meet Beverly

    Beverly Kearny molds young women into confident, fearless winners.
  • 2012 Festival | Clara como el Agua

    She's white. She's also black. Mostly, she's rejected.
  • 2012 Festival | This Gay and Age

    A young filmmaker examines how media influence gay teens' expectations.
  • 2012 Festival | My Name Is Seven

    Seven secretly loves Michi... and break dancing.
  • 2012 Festival | Once Upon a Rooftop

    A visual portrait of those who live on the rooftops of mid-rises in Hong Kong
  • 2012 Festival | Seltzer Works

    Third-generation seltzer-filler Kenny Gomberg is the last bottler in Brooklyn.

About PBS Short Film Festival

Now entering its 10th year, the PBS Short Film Festival is a celebration of independent films and filmmaking. Join us in exploring an incredible selection of 25 captivating films about identity, society, culture, family, race, and humanity in this annual showcase of powerful and unexpected stories.