Origin of Everything

Origin of Everything is a history show from PBS Digital Studios.


  • What If Islam Conquered Europe?

    Could Muslim forces have conquered Europe during the Middle Ages?
  • Would You Have Joined the American Revolution?

    Would You Have Joined The American Revolution?
  • When DId Marriage Become about Love?

    How did love conquer marriage?
  • Why Do We Wash Our Hands After Going to the Bathroom?

    Why did we start washing our hands after going to the bathroom?
  • Why Does the ❤️ Heart Symbol ❤️ Look That Way?

    But have you ever wondered why the ❤️ looks the way it does?
  • Is the Rosa Parks Story True?

    So why do we all know a misleading story about Rosa Parks?
  • Why was Pink for Boys and Blue for Girls?

    Up until the 1940’s a lot of people thought pink was the more masculine color.
  • Does the Rorschach Inkblot Test Work?

    Can these weird little blobs actually reveal anything about your personality?

About Origin of Everything

Every aspect of our daily reality, whether its the words we use, the pop culture we love, the technology that get us through the day, or even the identities we give ourselves, emerge from thousands of intersecting histories. And on this show, we're going to explore them ALL! . . . Okay, maybe not ALL, but you get the idea.