Origin of Everything

Origin of Everything is a history show from PBS Digital Studios.


  • Why Was Crossdressing Illegal?

    Why was it illegal for women to wear men’s clothing and for men to wear women’s clothing?
  • Six Historically True Facts about Money

    How did money come to be such a driving force of modern life?
  • Why Do All Malls Look the Same?

    Why do all strip malls look the same, even across different states?
  • Why Did Europeans Enslave Africans?

    Why were most slaves in America from West Africa?
  • Why Do Women Shave Their Legs?

    Why do women shave their legs and armpit hair, but men don’t?
  • 6 Weird Facts About the History of Birth Control

    The history of birth control is very long and very odd.
  • Why Do We Say "Asian American" Not "Oriental"?

    Why do Americans no longer use the word “Oriental”?
  • Why Was It Illegal to be Ugly?

    For nearly 100 years it was illegal to be “ugly.” How did we put an end to this?

About Origin of Everything

Every aspect of our daily reality, whether its the words we use, the pop culture we love, the technology that get us through the day, or even the identities we give ourselves, emerge from thousands of intersecting histories. And on this show, we're going to explore them ALL! . . . Okay, maybe not ALL, but you get the idea.