Need To Know

web-magazine integrating news with a touch of insight, perspective and wit.


  • America by the Numbers with Spanish Subtitles

    Cuenta las historias humanas detrás de los cambios demográficos de los EEUU.
  • 100 Days: Romney or Obama?

    What would the start of Romney's first term or President Obama's second look like?
  • The Battle for Votes

    Looking ahead to the Democrats' chances in November.
  • The Battle for Ohio

    Will the GOP take Ohio in 2012?
  • Saving Carla: Childhood Obesity

    A look at the nation's obesity epidemic through the eyes of one South Bronx family.
  • Palau: Paradise lost?

    A look at how global greenhouse gas emissions are threatening the island nation of Palau.
  • Rahm's Grand Plan

    An in-depth look at the nation's infrastructure woes and those trying to fix them.
  • Crossing the Line and the Border

    A look at undocumented immigrants' allegations of abuse and assault by U.S. Border Patrol


About Need To Know

PBS's new TV and web newsmagazine gives you what you need to know -- along with a healthy dose of insight, perspective and wit. Need to Know cuts through the noise of nonstop news to bring you the most compelling stories of the week and of our times. Every Friday night nationwide and all week long on the web.
