Crash Course Theater

Crash Course Theater


  • Dances to Flute Music and Obscene Verse. It's Roman Theater,

    Turns out, Roman theater looks A LOT like Greek theater.
  • Greek Comedy, Satyrs, and Aristophanes

    How did Greek comedy evolve out of tragedies? And how did that become real comedy?
  • Tragedy Lessons from Aristotle

    Let's look at Aristotle's rules for theater, and how they can be used for catharsis.
  • Thespis, Athens, and The Origins of Greek Drama

    Western theater arose in Athens, Greece from religious rituals – including RITUAL MADNESS.
  • What Is Theater?

    1.What is theater? And 2. Is it spelled -re or -er? The first question is a bit trickier.

About Crash Course Theater

Crash Course Theater