To The Contrary

A panel of professional women discuss current affairs issues in the context of gender.


  • February 10, 2012

    Contraceptive Compromise; Women on the Front Lines; Progressives and President Obama
  • February 3, 2012

    Komen vs. Planned Parenthood; The Invisible War; Vernice Armour
  • January 27, 2012

    Her Next Act; First Lady Lunching; Tammy Baldwin for Senate
  • January 20, 2012

    Military Sexual Assaults; Ex-Wife Speaks Out; Mandate Debate
  • January 13, 2012

    Angelina Jolie; Tweeting Lady
  • January 6, 2012

    Birth Control Ban?; Minimum Wage Increases; Rep. Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX)
  • December 23, 2011

    2011 year in review; women & peace
  • December 16, 2011

    Broke in America; 'I Don't' to Marriage; Corporate Board Quotas


About To The Contrary

With women in the forefront of politics and on the cutting edge of national agendas, To the Contrary with Bonnie Erbe continues to provide an important, timely forum for diverse women to discuss national and international issues and policies. It presents news and views that are rarely, if ever, available elsewhere on television.