To The Contrary

A panel of professional women discuss current affairs issues in the context of gender.


  • Obama vs. Sexual Assault; Divorce & Religion; Gimme Shelter

    The president fights sexual assault on campus, how religion affects divorce, & a new film
  • UN Scrutinizes Vatican, "Viagra For Women", Pollution Leak

    UN questions the Vatican, the FDA rejects a sex drive pill & the impact of polluted water.
  • Shriver Report & Poverty, Online Misogyny, Ageism

    We discuss low-income women, online trolls, and Lynne Segal's book "Out of Time."
  • Women CEOs; Feminist Advertising; Pastrix

    Women move up in business. Can a commercial be feminist? Author Nadia Bolz-Weber
  • Contraception Mandate; Parental Custody Laws;

    SCOTUS & Contraception Mandate; Parental Custody Laws; founder Anna Holmes
  • Men & Aggression; The Cheneys & Gay Marriage; Child Brides

    Men & Aggression; The Cheneys & Gay Marriage; Child Brides
  • Obamacare & Abortion Rights, First Lady, EDGE Certification

    Obamacare Delay & Abortion Rights, First Lady's Education Initiative, EDGE certification
  • Sex Trafficking; Women Recruits; Gillibrand's FAMILY Act

    Sex Trafficking; Sexual Assault and Women Recruits; Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand's FAMILY Act


About To The Contrary

With women in the forefront of politics and on the cutting edge of national agendas, To the Contrary with Bonnie Erbe continues to provide an important, timely forum for diverse women to discuss national and international issues and policies. It presents news and views that are rarely, if ever, available elsewhere on television.
