To The Contrary

A panel of professional women discuss current affairs issues in the context of gender.


  • Women CEOs; Egg Freezing; Male Survivors of Sexual Assault

    2 best perfoming female CEOs, Egg Freezing and Male Sexual Assault survivors
  • War on Women; Yes Means Yes; Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz

    Republicans' new rhetoric, a new initiative to end rape, and Rep. Wasserman Schultz
  • Emma Watson & HeForShe; Julia Pierson; Christy Turlington

    Men in feminism, Pierson's resignation, and Turlington's non-profit, Every Mother Counts.
  • ''Security Moms'' & ISIS; Money & Marriage; Wendy Davis

    ISIS supporters and fighters, decrease in marriage, gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis
  • NFL Abuse Scandals; Hillary Clinton & Economy; Freed Slaves

    NFL handling domestic violence, Hillary Clinton on women voting, and a historic picture
  • Domestic Violence & NFL; ISIS; Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand

    National discussion on abuse, women of ISIS, & Sen. Gillibrand on her new memoir.
  • ISIS Bride; Transgender Students; LGBT Lessons

    Women being recruited by ISIS; trans students get accepted; LGBT movement's strategy
  • Obama & Hillary; Domestic Violence; Night Shelters

    Clinton may run against some Obama policies. Dealing with abuse. Shelters for kids


About To The Contrary

With women in the forefront of politics and on the cutting edge of national agendas, To the Contrary with Bonnie Erbe continues to provide an important, timely forum for diverse women to discuss national and international issues and policies. It presents news and views that are rarely, if ever, available elsewhere on television.
