Be Smart

A show about science, but probably not science the way you're used to it.


  • Are Humans Still Evolving? 12 Days of Evolution #11

    Some of the biggest evolution questions finally answered.
  • Is This A NEW SPECIES?!

    What *is* a species anyway? And how do you know if you’ve found a new species?
  • Why Are There Still Monkeys? - 12 Days of Evolution #10

    Some of the biggest evolution questions finally answered.
  • Can Evolution Create Information? - 12 Days of Evolution #9

    Some of the biggest evolution questions finally answered.
  • How An Igloo Keeps You Warm

    Building a perfect igloo takes cool science!
  • Why Do Men Have Nipples? - 12 Days of Evolution #7

    Some of the biggest evolution questions finally answered.
  • Evolution Is Dumb - 12 Days of Evolution #6

    Some of the biggest evolution questions finally answered.
  • 23 Reasons to be Cheerful (Thanks to Science!)

    23 Reasons Science Gave Us to be Cheerful


About Be Smart

This is a show about science. But it's probably not about science the way you're used to it. Hosted by Joe Hanson, author of the science blog, It's Okay to be Smart. Part of the PBS Digital Studios network.