Be Smart

A show about science, but probably not science the way you're used to it.


  • What If You Never Forgot Anything?

    How does memory work? And how does… un-memory work?
  • 97% of Climate Scientists Really Do Agree

    97% of climate scientists really agree that humans are the main cause of climate change.
  • Where Did Life Come From? (feat. PBS Space Time and Eons!)

    Let’s journey back to the origin of life, as best as we know it.
  • Can You Bend Light Like This?

    Light bending experiments tested!
  • Could You Be Immune To Everything?

    With scientists learning more about immune systems, could we ever be immune to everything?
  • Why Are There As Many Males As Females?

    In most cases, an equal balance of the sexes is the evolutionary stable strategy.
  • Defusing the Population Bomb

    Is overpopulation real? Human overpopulation is a major concern for many people
  • Tuatara All the Way Down

    Meet the chillest reptile, weird living fossil...the tuatara.


About Be Smart

This is a show about science. But it's probably not about science the way you're used to it. Hosted by Joe Hanson, author of the science blog, It's Okay to be Smart. Part of the PBS Digital Studios network.