After an intense and historic flood disaster in South Carolina, the state rescue teams are fanning out, searching flooded homes and cars.
Haley said in a press conference that there are 469 road closures, including bridges, utilities back to normal and there have been 4367 service calls to troopers. The governor added, "do not drive through barricades roads...they are not safe." There have been 14 fatalities. The Department of Natural Resources has had 175 water rescues.
Catherine Heigel, the director of the S.C. Department of Health and Environmental Control says, there have been "10 dam failures across the state. We are monitoring additional dams throughout the state."
SCDOT says there are 72 miles of interstate closed in South Carolina. Interstate 95 is being assessed now and SCDOT is looking to see if they can open parts of it. Safety is top priority.
For more information visit South Carolina Emergency Management Division.
Multiple water distribution sites were set up in Richland County to help people get safe water to drink. Check them out here.
South Carolina counties not included in federal declaration list can be added. State officials are working closely with local governments to determine needs.